Using modern models of pain and movement science and research, learn how to positively frame individual movement assessment (based around relevant tasks), exercise prescription and improve your patients self management for improved compliance and consistent with a modern multifactorial understanding of pain and rehab.
Learn how to create programs incorporating important factors such as:
These elements can often be missing from rehab programs and a potential reason why many fail.
Group learning tasks, interactive case studies and practical movement aspects will provide a unique learning experience rather than a traditional classroom environment.
Learning objectives:
Learn modern theories of pain and movement, how they affect each other & what to do about it
A simplified movement assessment process based around the individual
Appreciating impact of context, expectation and relevant goal setting
Key factors to improving exercise adherence
How to positively frame exercise and movement as a treatment strategy
Clinical reasoning for therapeutic dosing parameters of exercise
Practical tips for applying pain science information and education
Create comprehensive rehab programs for lower limb and LBP progressing from a patients sensitive (early) to robust (late) stage
How to Manipulate modern exercise variables such as loads, speed, ROM, position & duration to achieve lasting physiological and CNS adaptations
This will include:
Learning how to correctly 'dose' or 'grade' movement according to the current state of your patients nervous system and then progressively load for increased resilience and confidence
Understanding the difference between a therapeutic movement approach and traditional gym or corrective exercises
A totally new approach to assessing, treating and rehabbing the lower limb and lower back with ready to use skills on Monday morning
Using movement that actually matters to your patients! Build on relevant and meaningful pain free movement to 'reframe' it to the CNS
Appreciating pains affect on the motor and sensory system and how to use graded and progressive movement to reverse it
How to educate patients simply about the science of their pain and how your treatment approach interacts with it for enhanced outcomes
Learning the research, science & evidence behind why clinical testing, manual therapy, posture, biomechanics & corrective exercise sometimes work and sometimes don't
Understanding more about modern pain science and its relationship with movement and your current practice
Understanding & use the concepts of variability, variety, novelty & capacity instead of a 'corrective' exercise approach
Seeing the importance of neuroplasticity (habit) in both pain and movement for long lasting rehabilitation effects
Appreciating the multi-factorial nature of pain and injury from tissue homeostasis to stress and lifestyle loads and the sensitised nervous system
Day 1
9.00 - 9.45
Intro and key course concepts
9.45 - 10.45
A constraints based approach to movement and a movement masterclass on current movement concepts
10.45 - 11.00
Coffee/Tea break
11.00 - 11.45
A modern approach to pain – Pain science
11.45 - 12.30
How does pain affect movement – Research review
12.30 - 13.30
13.30 - 14.00
Overview of current best practice and multi factorial nature of LBP
14.00 - 14.30
Evidence review of current exercise treatments for LBP
14.30 - 15.00
Evidence review of movement habits of LBP patients
15.00 - 16.00
Practical class - rehab for LBP
16.00 - 17.00
Designing effective rehab programs for LBP
Day 2
9.00 - 10.00
Lower back case studies
10.00 - 11.00
Beliefs and expectations – How do they affect treatment?
11.00 - 11.15
Coffee / Tea break
11.15 - 11.45
Effective goal setting
11.45 - 12.30
Barriers to adherence for home exercise programs
12.30 - 13.30
13.30 - 15.00
Evidence based ankle and knee practical rehab
15.00 - 16.00
Designing effective ankle and knee rehab programs
16.00 - 17.00
Ankle and knee case studies
The advantages are to improve your understanding of modern pain science and WHY that is important. Then integrate that into useable movement based techniques for your patients.
"I attended the cor-kinetic Functional Therapeutic Assessment course in Feb this year. I was struck by Ben's breadth and depth of knowledge and his ability to reason his approach based on evidence. The approach is very straight-forward and, to me, intuitive. I highly recommend this course for all therapists looking for a new practical tool to fill the gaps in conventional treatments and expose many of the fallacies that exist in common practice. This is likely to make you question many of the things you do in the clinic every day." - Terry Donahue Phys
"An excellent couple of days opening doors in to the world of modern pain science and integrating movement. The workshop was very well structured and made a huge impact on my current thinking. The content is delivered in a simple effective way so that you have tools to go away and implement the next day. I'm looking forward to part 2!" Chris Kitson - Osteopath
"I enjoyed Part 1 so much is so refreshing to have substance and substance that matters and works when we are standing there in front of the patient. There is an awful lot of c..p out there which maybe suits a small percentage of the willing compliant population but not all.
I think I have been able to use different components for most of my patients ..... I love the capacity diagram, variability etc etc and the patients get it.....A DAWNING comes across their face.
When you asked at the end if anyone had any questions ....they don't because they get it and they have been bombarded with so much info and just want to get using it" Sarah Walker - Physio
One on muscle firing TvA, glutes and rotator cuff –
Tips for pain science
Back pain
10 mistakes using movement